About Us



The International Center Piero Caldirola – ETS (ICPC) is a non-profit Association which major aims are:

  • The organization of Advanced Courses, Workshops and International Conferences on Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, on Environmental Physics and on relationship between Science and Ethics;
  • The promotion of international cooperation in these fields of research;
  • The organization of local Conferences and “round tables” addressed to citizens and to High School students on subjects related to Energy Sources and Applications of Science to problems of Industry, Economy, Environment and Medicine;
  • The organization of Meetings with the aim to ponder over the relations between Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, Cosmology, Medicine, Neurobiology), Philosophy, Theology, Art and Ethics and to promote discussions between experts coming from different cultural backgrounds.
  • The editing of Conference and Advanced Course Proceedings.

ICPC promotes gender equality in the composition of the scientific committees of the conferences it organizes.

The Advanced Courses/Conferences and the Workshops consist of introductory lectures given by world leading scientists in the field, contributed papers and seminars presented by the participants and panels discussions.

Tutorial sessions are also arranged in order to help less advanced participants in following the Courses.

Participation to the conferences and events organized by ICPC is open to members of the Association. In order to join the ICPC an application is required, which can also be entered in the conference registration form. Membership applications are approved by the Board of Directors.
Membership fees and payment deadlines are approved by the Board of Directors and communicated to ICPC members on the website and/or by e-mail.

The membership fee for 2025 was approved at the Board of Directors meeting held on 18 October 2024. The amounts to € 5,00 to be paid by 28 February 2025.
Membership fees will be waived to participants to conferences and events organized by ICPC in 2025.




Villa Monastero

The activities of ICPC mostly take place in Varenna, a small town lying on the East bank of lake Como (Italy) at Villa Monastero


University of
Milano - Bicocca

The registered office ICPC is located at the Physics Department of the University of
Milano – Bicocca.
The University of Milano – Bicocca is the reference venue for the conferences and
workshops organized in Milan.


Universities and Research Centers

The ICPC organizes its activities usually with the collaboration of prestigious Universities and Research Centers such as the University of Milano – Bicocca, the CNR (National Council of Research), the University of Milan, the ENEA Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile, the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, the CERN and, less frequently, with other Universities and Research Centers in Italy, Europe, USA and Asia.

Some interesting numbers

The International School of Plasma Physics was founded in 1971 by a group of professors of the University of Milano

University Conferences
Interdisciplinary Conferences
only professional here

Meet The Team

Prof. Giuseppe Gorini


Prof. Elio Sindoni

Honorary President

Donatella Pifferetti

Organizing Secretariat

Contact Us
